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Nils Schekorr is a systemic consultant and coach for organizational change, innovation and leadership.

Transformations don’t just happen,
they are made. I’m here to kick-start the process
and guide you through every stage.

Design Thinking Coach

Are you facing the challenge of organizational change? Looking for that winning product, strategy or business model? Aspiring to effective team collaboration or improved leadership?

Nils will guide your leadership and operational teams through each new development, always keeping your overall goal in mind – whether that means improving speed, productivity or outputs, building an attractive, resilient and healthy organization or doing business with a more regenerative approach.

Drawing on years of experience across a range of industries, Nils has expertise in Systemic Organizational Consulting, Agile Transformation, Business Design, Design Thinking and Cultural Change. His knowledge and skills will help you cut through the messiness, unify your teams toward a shared goal, get going when things are at a standstill and remodel your organization into its best possible form.

And yes: Nils speaks English and German!

To solve complex challenges
we need to start by asking questions.
I’ll help you ask the right ones.

Nils’s approach addresses a diverse range of challenges your organization might be facing:

  • Global Mobility and Logistics Corporation Germany

    Our business unit has gone from
    20 to 400 employees, and is still growing.

    How do we reorganize
    ourselves to fit our
    expanding operations?

    • #strategydevelopment
    • #organizationaldesign
    • #facilitatingchange
  • Global Chemical Corporation EMEA, NA, LATAM and APAC

    We want to scale up
    our data analytics program globally.

    How can we improve on our
    collaboration, economic
    efficiency and agile product

    • #agilecoaching
    • #leanproductdevelopment
    • #economicefficiency
  • Medical Technology Startup USA

    We’ve developed a
    new technology.

    How do we make it into a
    product and then bring
    it to the market?

    • #mvp
    • #businessmodell
    • #accelerator
  • Digital Innovation Hubs Network Germany

    Our goal is to help drive digital transformation
    and the use of artificial intelligence
    in German Mittelstand (SME).

    When it comes to leadership
    roles, how do we challenge,
    train and inspire the best?

    • #valueproposition
    • #businessdesign
    • #usercentredinnovation
  • Gobal Chemical Corporation Europe and North America

    We need faster lead times and
    a coordinated view of digital products
    that really serves our user’s needs.

    How do we align our leadership team while setting up new global demand and portfolio management?

    • #portfoliomanagement
    • #changeimplementation
    • #leadershipcoaching
  • Digital Solutions Agency Germany

    To take the next step,
    we know we need to leave
    our comfort zone.

    What’s our best way

    • #teamdevelopment
    • #organizationalchange
    • #vision
  • Wholesaler’s Network Germany, Austria and Switzerland

    The markets are
    changing quickly.

    How do we adapt to stay
    ahead of our competition?

    • #discovery
    • #ideation
    • #alignment
  • Sports Organization Germany

    Our organization needs
    to digitize.

    Where on Earth
    do we start?

    • #digitization
    • #productdiscovery
    • #designsprint

Dealing with transformation can be difficult – sometimes it even feels like solving a complicated puzzle.

Organizational change is an iterative process, unfolding step by step. Nils is here to help. By working together, we can develop a solid framework to propel your outfit toward a state that’s competitive, attractive and strong.


  • Systemic Organizational Consulting,
  • Agile Transformation,
  • Leadership Development,
  • Culture and Change,
  • Systemic Strategy Development,
  • Human-Centered Innovation,
  • Business Design,
  • Design Thinking.

Making it work

Dimensions of Change

The processes of change take place across three interconnected dimensions. Each organization needs its own unique approach on the targeted merging or separation of these dimensions:

Content Dimension
What areas need to be addressed? The focus can be on models, tools, routines, processes, decision-making, resources, roles, self-observation, workplace atmosphere and more.

Social Dimension
How can we work together differently to create the future we want? How can we transform our roles and relationships when it comes to hierarchy, dialogue, trust, goals and conflicts?

Temporal dimension
How does each step affect the next? How do different levels interact over time? How do we relate the future, the present and the past?

A Change Process guided by Questions

Planning is crucial, but what actually happens is often different to what we expect. It all starts by asking: How do we proceed? In a transformative process we then visualize the overall framework of our approach and adjust, add or change things over time.

Rather than simply pushing for action and deadlines our thought and practice comes from a shared understanding of future leadership. This means asking: Who needs to communicate what? When do they need to do so? And with whom? All with regards to reflection, decision-making and implementation.

Integrate and Communicate, Review and Reflect

Successful transformations require tangible actions: Regular planning and review meetings provide all stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the changes taking place. Transformative design projects help identify and implement the cross-unit topics that shape the desired future. Leadership coaching and knowledge transfers improve overall understanding and role effectiveness during the process.

Reflection and exchange at all levels ensure that transformative potential and perspective stay present. Additional test and feedback loops enable readjustments when required. Finally, continuous communication and information sharing enhance overall participation, progressing the transformation even further.

Nils Schekorr Portrait

About Nils

Hailing from the north of Germany and currently based in Berlin, Nils started his career in brand development, strategy and design. Alongside having run his own full-service consultancy for brand and strategy development for 14 years, he has over two decades of experience innovating with clients across b2b, b2c, science, education, culture, politics and various associations.

Today, organizational change and living systems thinking are at the forefront of his practice. Nils is certified and trained as a Systemic Organizational Consultant, Agile Coach, Business Designer, Design Thinking Coach and ICF Professional Certified Coach, among other roles.

Nils works with a network of international partners, including the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (Germany), mm1 Management Consultancy (Germany), Stanford Graduate School of Business LEAD Incubator and Startup Accelerator (USA), IDEO U (USA), The Painted Sky (India) and Talent Garden (Austria).